Monday, July 7, 2008


The biggest news for the week is that our little girl has officially been spotted. This weekend she was moving a ton, probably because of all the junk food I had been eating with the holiday weekend. On Sunday I was laying on the couch and noticed she was moving stronger than usual, I looked down and could see her thumping away at my belly. It only happened a couple times, and each time it happened I would call Tim over but she must be shy because he never saw it.

We are 22 weeks now, I have been pregnant longer than I'm going to be pregnant, which is a big accomplishment in my mind. We are only 124 days from my due date and I have a feeling it's going to fly right by.

Baby is the size of a spaghetti squash this week, about 11inches long and weighs about 1 pound! Her lips, eyelids, eyebrows and fingernails are all becoming more distinguished. Her eyes are developed but the color is still missing. She is getting increasingly active and I am now able to see a pattern to her movement throughout the day. She especially likes to let off her energy right as mommy is trying to go to sleep!

In mommy news...
my belly is changing color. I have developed this dark line up the middle of my tummy, but I've been told it's "normal." My belly is also growing, which for some reason makes people want to touch it... it's interesting! I'm feeling really good though. I have a lot of energy for the most part and I'm sleeping better too. Tim and I are making some good strides on the nursery. My mom is almost finished with the bedding and Tim is starting to paint the changing table today. I cannot wait to take pictures of it when it's all put together!

Everything else it going great, baby is growing strong and healthy, I am right on track, and have less than half way to go. Our next doctor's appointment is July 23rd and from there we'll start scheduling our childbirth classes, and my gestational diabetes test. Until next time...

1 comment:

Racine said...

Speaking of flying...22 weeks already! That's great! You're lucky by the time you get where I am it shouldn't be hot anymore...I must admit I'm getting quite sick of being pregnant. I'm hoping for like two more weeks :-)