Amelia turned 10 months right after we got back from our LOOOOOOONG trip to Minnesota to see Tim's brother, his wife and kids. She did great in the car surprisingly and loved playing with their little poodle!
October 6 Amelia took her first steps and has been walking like crazy ever since. She only wants to do it when SHE wants to do it though. She is quite particular as of late.
We had one warm day in October where it was almost 70 so we took advantage of it and took Amelia to Post Family Farm to pick out a couple pumpkins and enjoy some fresh baked doughnuts (that was her favorite part)! She fell in the woodchips right before this picture so it wasn't the happiest day for her but she recovered well, other than a couple of scratches on her face she was fine.
With her new skill of walking also comes boo-boos. Amelia's first big ouchie. She and the dining room table collided and the table won. She screamed for a good long time but the bruise only lasted a couple of days.
Halloween came next. Amelia was suppose to be a pink poodle, I made her costume, unfortunately my particular baby dind't like the feel of the "fur" so Auntie Cara came to the rescue and loaned us the boys' lion costume. I had to add the bow for a little girlish flair!
Birthday Party Pictures Still to come!
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