Here's some pictures, I'll start with Easter!
Amelia all dressed and ready for church on Easter Sunday!
Sophia smiling pretty in her Easter dress!
Easter Baskets! After a wonderful worship service at church we gave the girls their Easter baskets - sans candy since they had enough at the egg hunt the day before!
Sophia, trying to figure out what was on her head!
Amelia got her first haircut - thanks Auntie Cara! Amelia wasn't really sure what to think and refused to wear the cape, she sat with her head down for the most part but at least she sat still!
Amelia loves to have piggy tails! They completely go with her personality. There is rarely a dull moment with Amelia!
Enjoying a blue popscicle on a rare 70+ degree day in April! Notice the spot in the middle of her forehead!
We took a road trip to Lansing. Unfortunately it was for my great grammy's funeral. Both girls did great in the car, Amelia even kept her pants dry! She had lots of questions about why grammy was sleeping, she was very curious about it all.
Sophia has learned how to undress! She is constantly taking her arms out of her sleeves!
Amelia loves to pull Sophia around the island in the kitchen for rides. Thankfully this is how they entertain themselves while I'm getting dinner ready! At least it keeps them busy!
We are well under way with our basement project. Framing and electrical were finished up this week and we are waiting on two inspectors to come in the next couple of days. Drywall is starting either Monday or Wednesday next week! Once the drywall is in then it's paint, flooring and the details! I'll post pictures when it's finished... right now it just looks like lots of pieces of wood and wires! But we're almost there, which is good because there's only 7 weeks until baby boy will be joining our family!
First planting
4 weeks later!
Amelia is LOVING helping me in the garden. We put Sophia down for her nap and then we got out and pull weeds and plant more veggies! She loves to dig but hates getting the dirt on her hands! So far we've planted Sugar Snap Peas, Spinach, Swiss Chard, Romaine Lettuce, along with 4 other kids of lettuce, and Strawberries! We are waiting a couple of weeks for some warmer weather before we plant the Tomatoes (Amelia's favorite), Green Peppers, Okra, Green Beans and Cucumbers!
Amelia planted a flower seed in a cup and we've enjoyed watching it grow!
and grow!
In baby news... I'm almost 33 weeks and feeling it. As pregnancies go this has to be my most difficult, nothing in particular, but having to chase around two toddlers and dealing with construction in my house has added to the stress of being pregnant. We are very much looking forward to meeting this little guy and seeing what it's like to have a little boy in the family! Amelia is beyond excited to meet her baby brother and asks me daily if he's coming soon (we told her when it was hot outside and we could swim in Grandpa's pool then he'd come). She can't wait to give him the paci's she picked out for him!