Saturday, October 23, 2010

Fall Fun!

Fall is here and we are loving the cool weather and the changing color of the leaves. Amelia especially loves to pick up leaves in our yard and feel them crinkle. We gave her a bike for her birthday (early) and whenever we go for a ride she stops every couple of yards and picks up a leaf or a rock. She's getting so old. Amelia can count to 8 (she confuses 6 and 4 though) and she knows Pink, Yellow, Blue and Purple.
I've started doing a preschool curriculum with her - it's really laid back and it's been WONDERFUL. Each month is a different verse and theme to focus on. So far she has memorized two verses Genesis 1:1 and Children Obey Your Parents, which she says quite often but I don't think has really grasped what it means :)

Sophia is growing like crazy as well. She's a lot more noisy that Amelia was at her age, always babbling, usually it's "da da da da..." or just shrieking. She knows how to get on her sisters nerves too. Anytime Amelia leaves a toy on the floor, even if just for a minute Sophia crawls at lightning speed to get to it. Which of course then leads to Amelia flipping out! Sophia is so over baby food and just wants to eat whatever we have on the table. She loves her veggies!
Here's a few pictures of what we've been up to lately!

Sophia's 6 month picture!
I just packed the bouncy seat away... as you can see since Sophia just learned how to sit up she no longer just relaxes into it... she wants to be a part of everything so no more bouncy seat for her!

Amelia's newest trick. She has discovered two things 1. she has holes in the side of her head and 2. if she sticks her fingers in those holes she doesn't have to listen to what mommy and daddy are saying.

Sophia just sittin' pretty! She just learned how to go from her hands and knees to her sitting position! She gets so excited with herself when she can do it all by herself!

We were playing on the floor one night after dinner and Sophia must've been really tired because we looked over and all the sudden she was fast asleep on the floor! Too cute not to take a picture!

Amelia LOVES to help Sophia eat her Cheerios! Usually this means that she eats them 'for' Sophia!

If you ask Amelia "what does the clown say?" she'll get this big cheesy grin on her face! It's the only way we can get her to smile for a picture!

My little rooster! I'm always amazed at how messy her hair gets after her nap!

I cannot believe Sophia is already 7 months. I'm not sure where the time has gone... she's already crawling all over our house. We just had to put the baby gate at the top of the stairs because she is a very curious little one!

Amelia eating a doughnut with "trinkles" as she would say! She was so good at Library Story time this week that we walked to the bakery a couple blocks away and she got to pick out a doughnut!

Tim and I took a weekend away and left the girls home with Uncle Dan and Aunt Meghan (good friends and honorary family members!). They were going to go to Post Family Farm, I'm hoping they took some good pictures so I can post some of them at another time!

I have lots more pictures to post so stay tuned for another post! I cannot wait to post pictures of the girls in their Halloween costumes!
Until next time...